Appeal for donations Odai reconstruction

The dogs at the Odai state animal shelter in Romania urgently need our and your help!

There are around 600 dogs in the kennels in the north of Bucharest, living in groups of around 4-5 dogs. Many puppies grow up in the shelter, some dogs spend their entire lives there, never experiencing what it is like to be loved and to live securely in a home, a family.

Unfortunately, the conditions for the dogs are catastrophic: dogs and facilities are mercilessly exposed to the weather, facilities are damaged, drains are blocked and water does not drain properly from the kennels. The dogs stand in mud and their own filth, most of them every second of every day of the year. The dogs in the large part of the shelter are not walked and have no opportunity to escape their dreary everyday lives for a short time. They are fed and otherwise left to their own devices. These conditions, the lack of staff and the heartless trapping methods have led to many of the dogs developing fears or aggression. The situation is unhygienic, highly infectious and simply sad. That is why we want to help.

Who are WE actually?

Since 2006, the members of Tierschutzverein Europa have been committed to helping suffering animals and spreading the idea of animal welfare. The entire team works exclusively on a voluntary basis to ensure that all donations go to the animals. We are an experienced team.

We work closely with our animal welfare partners in Germany and other European countries to help abandoned, mistreated and neglected dogs and cats. We see our most important task as supporting our partner animal shelters in their work wherever we can. We do this in different ways: we offer financial help, send donations in kind and food and, most importantly, we offer foster homes and find a good home for each of the many rescued animals. We have already neutered more than 600 cats and dogs abroad in order to permanently counteract the suffering of the animals.

With our very committed local contact, Councillor Ilinca Macarie, we have been able to introduce socialization programmes for some dogs, initiate the first adoptions and allow volunteers and animal welfare organizations access to the shelter, which was previously not possible.

These are initial successes, but we are still a long way from reaching our goal. A visit to the Odai animal shelter by our association chairwoman in November 2023 clearly showed us the drama that still exists for the dogs and the man-made cruelty. During our stay in Romania, we launched the DRY Paws project. And this is where you come in!

Project DRY Paws

A lack of state support and legal hurdles mean that the suffering of the dogs is unnecessarily increased. Illnesses and deaths due to the poor conditions, frustration leading to aggression, hopelessness. We want to make the kennels more hygienic in future and improve the dogs’ quality of life. They should be able to live dry, clean and healthy lives. To achieve this, the existing kennels urgently need to be renovated.

We were able to win over the volunteer organization “Shelterhelper”. They have already carried out several conversion projects and will support us in the planning and on site with their expertise.

Now it’s time:

to purchase building materials that our local volunteers can use to build kennels in the shortest possible time

organize transporters

demolish the old kennels

Build drains so that water, excrement and urine can flow out of the kennels.

With a lot of passion, sweat and certainly tears, the project will be implemented by our volunteers on site in March 2024.

How YOU can help…

Take responsibility with us where others have left it. Support our DRY Paws project financially with an event-related donation. So that we can allocate the donation correctly, simply state “Trockene Pfötchen Odai” as the intended purpose. Every relatively small contribution is a big step towards a “better life” for Odai’s dogs.

Tierschutzverein Europa e. V.
Mainzer Volksbank e.G.
IBAN: DE 25 5519 0000 0795 0390 15

or via PayPal an

And: Do good and talk about it! This is the only way we can raise awareness of animal welfare and encourage others to join in.

…and what’s in it for YOU

We would like to thank all private donors and companies by name on our homepage and in posts on social media (unless otherwise requested).
Combine your name, the name of a loved one as part of a gift or the name of your company with social commitment and a sustainable, animal welfare-conscious image.
See for yourself the conditions at the Odai shelter in our articles. Follow our progress and how the dogs move into their new homes. Let yourself be infected by our joy, in the knowledge that the dogs and we also owe this success to you.

On behalf of the dogs and all the volunteers at Tierschutzverein Europa e. V., we would like to thank you for your support.

Thank you! Mulțumiri!


Leider sind bisher keine Spenden für dieses Projekt bei uns eingetroffen.

Gesamt: 0 Euro


1. Vorsitzende: Nicole Steib (Languages: German, Englisch, Italienisch) Mobile: 0176 30303848 e-Mail: Betreute Tiere



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