Adoromimos – Associação de Defesa e Protecção Animal
Adoromimos, which means - I love to cuddle - is a non-profit animal welfare organisation in Mafra, northwest of Lisbon.
Adoromimos has been advocating for stray dogs and cats since 2013 and provides them with a loving shelter.
The association was founded by our animal welfare partner Ana, who started small in 2013 and first placed the collected animals with volunteers and rehomed them. Adoromimos quickly became a big movement and in 2017 they were able to fulfil their long-awaited dream of having their own premises for an animal shelter.
Since then, around 60 dogs and 25 cats have found a home here and the local helpers are constantly trying to expand the shelter. More kennels, more secure exercise areas, larger cat enclosures, sanitary facilities ... there are still a lot of things on the to-do list.
The situation and treatment of animals in Portugal is sad and frightening. The team on the ground is confronted with a lot of suffering and fights every day for a better world for every single living being. But they don't let the southern passion and humour be taken away from them here and are always there for the animals with heart and soul.
In 2019, our colleague Paula became aware of the animal shelter in Mafra and got involved there during the semester break. Now that she lives in Portugal and is able to do the work necessary for international cooperation, we are happy to be able to support Adoromimos as one of our projects.
News about the association:
Instagram: adoro.mimos
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