Spenden für Andújar im Mai 2016

Spenden fr Andjar im Mai 2016

Jetzt sind auch die Spenden in Andjar angekommen und Alberto und Alicia bedanken sich dafr sehr herzlich fr ihre Hunde. Hier sind ein paar Wort von den beiden dafr:

Hi Ute, Rita

Ikar (Jose Pablo transport). We brought up Andjar some donations from Germany. Alicia and I want to thank the families who have helped to make our dogs have food, more toys and special foods such as pig ears. We want to thank Ingrid and Reinhold (they have to Terrex and Brando) and also the family who adopted Delon. To all of them thank you very much also for all our dogs.

Here 4 pics of the donations.

Warm regards and kisses

Alicia & Alberto


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