Spenden für Mie fiel Amigo im Juli 2016

Spenden fr Mie fiel Amigo im Juli 2016

Auch das Tierheim von Alicia und Alberto kann sich freuen, wieder so viele Spenden bekommen zu haben, die Spender speziell an dieses Tierheim geschickt haben.

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Auch Alicia und Alberto melden sich hier zu Wort

Spenden Anjar im Juli 2016

Liebe Tierfreunde,

wir mchten uns auch im Namen von Alicia und Alberto herzlich fr die tollen Spenden bedanken, die speziell fr das Tierheim Mie fiel Amigo bestimmt waren und Andalusien jetzt auch erreicht haben.

Euer TSV Europa Team

Wir denken die Worte von Alicia und Alberto sollten Sie lesen:

Hi Ute, Rita,

Yesterday we finally had a gap and took all donations travel. We are very happy! Plenty of food for our dogs, candy, toys, blankets and things that are very useful for us. Delon also find photos and a letter from his family. We are very excited! Family Aroma (whom we met in person here in Andjar, a while ago) and the family of Lara also appeared among the packages. Please give personally thank these families and if there is any more than you have participated, too! We’d love them to send us photos and letters, we are very excited, and so we know about them.

We also want to thank the family of Oddy. His mom has already sent us two packages by mail with many things. Cans of food, feed, trinkets, necklaces… and a very special gift for Alicia. We are very happy and grateful. Alicia got really happy with the card’s mom sent Oddy. For her was very important to get good words of thanks and was very excited. For me it was very gratifying to see how she feels happy for all the work we do. Thank you very much from the heart.

Ultimately, million thanks for such kindness. The families of our dogs are the best, we are confident 😉

Warm regards & kisses
Alicia & Alberto


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