Spende für TERREX

Spenden fr TERREX

Die Paten von dem Schferhundrden Terrex haben das Tierheim Mie fiel Amigo von Alberto und Alisia in Andjar besucht und viele Spenden mitgebracht.
Sie waren von der Arbeit von Alberto und Alisia begeistert.

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Spenden fr TERREX

Die Paten von dem Schferhundrden Terrex haben das Tierheim Mie fiel Amigo von Alberto und Alisia in Andjar besucht und viele Spenden mitgebracht.
Sie waren von der Arbeit von Alberto und Alisia begeistert.

Nachdem Sie Terrex dort auch persnlich kennen lernen durften, haben Sie sich in ihn verliebt und so kam es zu der Entscheidung, dass Terrex beim nchsten Transport mitkommen darf So gibt es auch noch ein Hundehappyend!

Wir bedanken uns bei Familie Federolf fr alle die Spenden und die bernahme von Terrex.

Ihr Team von Mie fiel Amgio und ihr TSV Europa Team

Here kommt das Mail von Alberto ber den Besuch:

Hi Ute, Rita, Marion

Last Saturday they were in Andujar and his partner Ingrid from Germany. They did several donations to my shelter throwed German Shepherd named Terrex. They came from Gandia At 10 am we meet them Alice and I in the train station.

They brought many presents for shelter (feed, balloons, candy, a doghouse for Terrex, canned pate …). First they visited the shelter, there they met Terrex and all dogs of the shelter. After we took them to the residence (there we did the photos and videos we present). they met all the dogs in residence and I have to say I really enjoyed surrounded by all our dogs (they are great lovers of animals).

Then we went to the veterinary clinic Antonio where I have several dogs: Frida (recently neutered), and met Vandroi and Sanda. We were escorted to Alicia and me as we made photos and videos to new dogs (Nica and Brigitte Dalmatian)

Then we went to see Julia and saw India. Ingrid and her partner had her in his arms and much emocionarion to see that the little walked on his broken legs.

It was a morning of very interesting work where they met the daily work we do with our dogs and also knew many of them. Alicia and I enjoyed seeing Ingrid and your partner smile and hug our dogs.

Finally at 1.30 pm we went to the restaurant and had lunch Botijo (ham, cheese, Salmorejo, roast leg, cooked prawns, salads …). They made a generous donation of 300 to our shelter.

About 3 pm we said goodbye and they continued trip to Valencia.

Please Ute, Marion, want you agradezcais the great effort made traveling for hundreds of kilometers to meet Terrex and our dogs. They are a great partner and Alicia and I are indebted to them. Please, thank him their support and help.

Warm regards & kisses

Residence with Ingrid:



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