Dry paws project – update June 2024

About six months ago, we introduced you to our “Dry Paws” project, which aims to help the dogs at the Odai state animal shelter in Romania. Since then, many of you have donated money to support our building project there, with which we want to enable the dogs to be better protected against the weather and the resulting diseases. A new quarantine centre is also planned, where puppies that are particularly susceptible to infections and diseases can be housed. For example, many puppies still fall victim to the parvo virus. They often lose the fight against this deadly disease and in the current situation the risk of infection is particularly high in the wet, cramped kennels. The planned quarantine kennels are an important extension to the animal shelter that will hopefully save lives!

The matter is urgent and thanks to your help we would be able to manage a large part of the construction project – the workers are ready to start, the construction plan is available – so what are we waiting for?

In fact, we still have to wait for the approval of a surveyor to ensure that all the necessary authorisations for the building project have been obtained and that we can officially start the construction work. This is necessary because it is a municipal animal shelter on municipal land. It is not easy for us to wait in view of the many dogs in need, but unfortunately this part is also part of our project.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have donated money or drawn attention to the project – and at the same time ask for a little patience.
We will inform you as soon as the construction work in Romania starts and will of course keep you up to date!

If you want to know more about the project, you can find all the information and the donation contact here.



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