Forrest – we have grown so fond of him

Forrest – we have grown so fond of him

Our Forri… He came to us as Forrest. He now goes by the names Forri, Fori, Süßbert, Süßling, Knirps, Räuberchen, Straßenjunge and many more. The truth is, we have grown so fond of this little man that we can hardly put it into words.

We fell in love with him on the homepage and did everything we could to give him a home. After the adoption process, the day finally came when we could pick him up. He was brought directly from Romania in a van and we were able to pick him up at a car park near the motorway.

My husband and I were a little tense, but could hardly contain our joy. Forrest was easy to carry into our car box and was also relatively calm on the journey home. Although you could see that he was under a lot of stress.

When he finally arrived home, a challenge awaited him. A small staircase that leads to our flat. We quickly realised that Forrest needs time to get to know new things and situations. Nothing works with pressure. We have given him his time. After about 30 minutes and lots of biscuits, he made it to the last stage.

Little did they realise that the next challenge was hidden behind the front door: the parquet floor. We put a rug in the entrance so that he could rest and acclimatise.

Late in the evening, he still didn’t dare to walk on the floor. That’s why we laid out all our rugs and blankets on the floor so that he could at least move around a bit.

We were so lucky with him that he was house-trained by nature. If he has to go out urgently, he shows it by nervously running to the doors, picking up shoes, looking out of all the windows or running into the bathroom.

In the meantime, Forrest has settled in very well with us. We took him everywhere with us right from the start. Within the first few months, he was allowed to come along to weddings, noisy family gatherings with small children and street parties. Fortunately, there are many dog lovers in the family.

Last month we showed him the sea and the beach. He was able to do his huge laps in the free run and play with lots of dogs. That’s what he enjoys the most. But what he also really enjoys is coming home and curling up on the couch like Kingbanane. His favourite thing is when we are all together. Leaving him alone doesn’t work so well yet. But we are still working on that.

Adopting a dog is accompanied by many changes in everyday life. You should consider carefully beforehand whether you have enough time and space to provide the animal with a suitable habitat. Training and education should not be neglected either. The financial situation should also be checked beforehand.

We are super happy with our little one and look forward to many adventures with him. For example, Forri has recently started coming to the office.



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