Camilo is finally at home

Camilo is one of those dogs who had to wait a very long time in the shelter before they could finally leave the kennels behind. Unfortunately, it soon became apparent that Camilo had not yet arrived at the right place. And so he waited in a boarding kennel where he had a good time and was loved, but it was not yet a permanent home. And then Camilo’s big day finally came. He was allowed to go home, where he has finally arrived. Here are two happy endings for a big black dog and his owner:

… from Camilo…

“My dear Barbara and my soul mates who have looked after me so far…

“I feel so comfortable in my new home and watch over my mum and my huge property, I’m doing brilliantly. I still have to take my tablets and try to hide them in my cosy basket, but my mistress keeps catching me out! I really can’t thank you enough, I’ve finally arrived!”

Greetings Camilo

Dear Barbara,

Here is Camilo again: “Thank you very much for agreeing to the placement with my new mistress!”

On Sunday, I proved once again that I’m perfectly capable of going to restaurants. My nose takes in all the lovely flavours and I want to lick everything off the plate, but my mistress makes it clear that I’m not allowed to taste it until later, if at all! I’m doing really well and I’m sending a few more photos on behalf of Mum.

Every now and then a Barbara comes to see me, who I actually really like, but I know that when she comes, my mum goes to work!

But thankfully not that often.

Best wishes and a big bark, you can’t imagine how loud I can get by now.

Camilo and Anke



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