Join our flea market fundraising group

What to do with the dog jumper that is too small, the basket that your dog doesn’t like or the lead that you don’t use? Come and join our flea market group! Here you can donate one or two euros to the donation pot of the European Animal Welfare Association. Or you can find a bargain yourself and know that the price will benefit the dogs.

Just click on the link here, which will take you directly to the new Facebook group Flea Market of Tierschutzverein Europa e. V.

And this is how it works: Make a request to join, as it is a private group. You may post anything that you would sell at a real flea market and that can be shipped.
Then you specify whether it should be a fixed price or an auction. Name the starting price for an auction and specify a campaign period. 100% of the proceeds go to the TSV Europa donation fund and the money for shipping goes to the person selling.

Leonie our admin approves the contributions and assigns an article number under which the proceeds are paid into the TSV account. If a sale is made, Leonie will confirm when the money has arrived and the item can be dispatched. The shipping addresses are not published, the buyer and seller privately among themselves. Do you still have questions? Then please contact Leonie Gessinger.

See you at the flea market!



4. Vorsitzende: Leonie Gessinger (Languages: German, Englisch) Mobile: 0179 4360839 e-Mail: Betreute Tiere


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