Many thanks to Höfingen primary school!

We are thrilled with what the pupils of Höfingen primary school and their teachers have achieved: An incredible 930 euros went into our donation pot so that we can continue to provide our foster dogs with good medical care. It’s really impressive what the children and their whole community have done to help. We are grateful and very happy for our protégés.

As part of the project week on the topic of “Dealing with nature and animals”, a fundraising campaign was organised for the European Animal Welfare Association. Our club was chosen because the school dog at Höfingen primary school comes from TSV Europa.

Together with their project leaders, the children from the dog-themed project prepared the fundraising campaign Homemade dog toys, pencils, erasers, dog-themed bookmarks, paw tags, toys and books donated by the children and cakes were sold. Of course, you could also donate without buying anything. Some donations in kind were also collected.

The children and the project leader of the bee project also supported the campaign by selling their products made from beeswax (candles and lip care products) and donating their profits to the European Animal Welfare Association.

What a great campaign to raise awareness of animal welfare among children and show them how they can take action themselves to make the world a little better. We received 930 euros and some donations in kind. We are very impressed by their commitment and hope the children are proud of their great success.

We would like to say a big thank you to Höfingen primary school!



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