🆘‼️Please donate for our sick protégés

Dexter, Rafael, Alvin, Duque … who should we start with? The bad news has simply not stopped in recent months. All four dogs were supposed to get the longed-for springboard to happiness in foster homes, but unexpected diagnoses came from the vets. We now have treatments, operations and aftercare that are tearing a deep hole in our donation pot. We very much hope that you will help us with a donation so that these sad stories all find a happy ending and we can continue to help every dog that needs it.

Until our donation pot is filled again, we are unfortunately unable to allow any more foster dogs in that need medical help. But they have a particularly hard time in animal shelters. So please help us so that we can help. Even many small sums can make a big difference.

Donation subject: Tierarztkosten TSV

Tierschutzverein Europa e. V.
Mainzer Volksbank e.G.
IBAN: DE 25 5519 0000 0795 0390 15

or via PayPal to spende@tsv-europa.de

You can find out more about the fates of the individual dogs and the progress of the donation project here under the link

Thank you for your help!🆘‼️🆘‼️PLEASE DONATE FOR OUR SICK PROTÉGÉS 🆘‼️🆘‼️



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