We are happy to welcome a new cooperation partner from Spain: The animal shelter Asociación Protectora de Animales y Plantas del Bajo Aragón, APAP for short, in Alcañiz. The animal shelter in the north-east of Spain receives the land and a financial subsidy from the city. But everything that has been built here for the dogs and the lion's share of the running costs are borne by the association itself. Currently, 70 dogs and 40 cats have their temporary home here. And a few are waiting for foster homes.
The association not only wants to help the abandoned animals, but also to spread the idea of animal protection. Lectures are offered and school classes are invited to the animal shelter. It is not easy to do this work on the fly. Because the daily care of the animals takes a lot of energy. But the APAP team takes this time, because only when future generations learn respect for other living beings can animal suffering eventually stop.
APAP runs a real refugio. Unlike the purely municipal animal shelters, there are no killings here. Almost all animals inhabit their kennels in small groups. Only difficult animals and new arrivals live in individual kennels.
It happens again and again that the shelter is so full that no more animals can be taken in. The animal welfare activists of APAP would like to give shelter to more abandoned souls. There would even be an adjacent site available. But so far there has been no money to fence the area.
News from the association:
Here are the bank details if you would like to donate directly*:
IBAN: ES51 3080 0060 7920 4663 2416
*Wenn Sie Ihre Spende beim Finanzamt geltend machen wollen, überweisen Sie bitte Ihre Spende mit dem Namen des Tierheims im Betreff an den Tierschutzverein Europa. We forward your donation 1:1.
..oder über PayPal an infoapap@gmail.com