Visits to our co-operation partners

We maintain contact with our co-operation partners not only from a distance. Our active members regularly visit the animal welfare projects in Romania, Portugal and Spain.

In the coming week, you can join us in the Adoromimos project in Portugal and in Hogar de Asis in Spain. We will not only visit the Adoromimos shelter in Portugal, but also the municipal canil. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to make sure you don’t miss anything. We will give you an insight into everyday life at the shelter and introduce you to many new dogs. In the Spanish project you can learn about how dogs are rescued from the perrera, there are also surgery appointments and in both projects we will take lots of photos in order to present the dogs realistically and get to know them personally so that we can tell you more about them.

If you are curious about what it looks like on site, take a look at our sectionTravel reports.

Our visits are of course not financed by donations, but privately.



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