Caruso is Happy again
Hi Kris, hi Nicole,
Caruso was on his first vacation. Normandy – France. A camping trip with our Renault trafic.
The first few days he was a bit confused, but after a short time he absolutely enjoyed it to always discover something new. Proud camper dog 😏
Soon he felt safe and at home in his sleeping place. He learned a lot during the trip and our relationship has improved again. He trusts us more and more.
I hope I did not overwhelm your phone with all the pictures.
But I just wanted to show you, that Caruso seems “Happy“* again 😎
*Caruso hieß früher Happy. Aber sein Leben war alles andere als glücklich. Er kam als bissiger Hund ins Tierheim und es war sehr schwierig für ihn, die richtigen Menschen zu finden. Jetzt hat er zwei ganz besondere gefunden.
Ajutorul tău pentru bunăstarea animalelor
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