Bericht über den Besuch in der Perrera


Unsere Kooperationspartnerinnen in Spanien und Rumänien müssen täglich sehr viel Leid und menschliche Grausamkeit erleben. Eine der schlimmmsten Aufgaben für die Tierschützerinnen vor Ort ist es, in die städtischen Tierheime zu gehen, wo die Hunde vernachlässigt und zusammengepfercht warten. Diese Tierheime haben den Auftrag, alle streunenden und abgegebenen Hunde in ihrer Kommune aufzunehmen. Aber nicht, sie adäquat zu versorgen. Das übernehmen private Auffangstationen, wie die von unseren Kooperationspartner vor Ort. Die städtischen Tierheime werden auch Tötungen, Perreras genannt. Wenn alle Plätze besetzt sind, werden Hunde getötet.
Wie es sich anfühlt, in diese Perreras zu gehen, um Hunde zu retten, hat eine Freundin aus dem spanischen Tierschutz für uns aufgeschrieben. Sie sagt: "Man verlässt diesen Ort weinend, mit gebrochenem Herzen, verfolgt von vielen Augen. Ihnen wurde versprochen, 'Ich komme zurück für dich.' Obwohl man weiß, dass man in vielen Fällen nicht in der Lage sein wird, das Versprechen zu halten, und das ist das Schlimmste."

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…you leave crying, with your heart broken and with a lot of eyes behind you who have been told: "I will come back for you when I can, I promise". Although you know that in many cases you won't be able to do it and that's terrible.(Man verlässt diesen Ort weinend, mit gebrochenem Herzen, verfolgt von vielen Augen. Ihnen wurde versprochen: "Ich komme zurück für dich, Ich verspreche es." Obwohl man weiß, dass man in vielen Fällen nicht in der Lage sein wird, das Versprechen zu halten. Und das ist schrecklich.)

There are perreras in many cities or large towns in our region. And some of them pick up dogs found or abandoned in small towns. So, they are always overcrowded.
In the perreras they pick up the lost or abandoned dogs, but also the dogs of people who don't want them and decide to leave them there because they don't want to take care of them anymore. I can't imagine the feeling of those poor dogs after living in a house (although I don't want to imagine the kind of house they lived in that has been able to abandon them in such a cruel way either). If they don't have a microchip, they are accepted and left there. That's why many people don't microchip them, because that way they can leave them without consequences. Or even they take the microchip off, injuring them with a wound in the neck…that’s what hunters do, for example, before abandoning dogs.

I have personally visited three perreras in our region. The houses where they live are too small and very dark. Dogs do not leave the houses. They clean their houses with pressurized water while they are inside. Since there are so many of them, they are often forced to share spaces and there are fights. Other times they don't even have room to keep them in a house with a roof and they are simply kept in fenced-in spaces with no roof to shelter under. In one of the perreras in our city the "zero sacrifice" is applied, that is to say, no dog will be euthanized except for medical reasons. But what is worse? Spending years of your life without leaving a closed space and without relating to people, dogs or having a normal life? Personally, I don't know. It's a choice between death or a painful sentence. But in most cases, after a few days they are directly euthanized.

The staff working there are often hired without feeling anything for the animals, so the treatment is hard and distant. We cannot talk about abuse because we have not witnessed it, but we imagine it.
When ou walk past those houses, it's terrible. Many throw themselves at the fence barking to get your attention, others with aggression because they cannot contain their anger and frustration, others stay in a scared corner even fearing that you will enter, others wag their tails happily and asking you to take them with them, and others just tremble…all those emotions and looks is what you take with you when you go, when you try to see without looking… The dogs are extremely dirty, most of them are sick. It is impossible to imagine how terrible the smell is. The smell there is something you can't forget.

The dogs are not attended by veterinarians in the perrera, the only get the rabies vaccine which is compulsory and sometimes even that is not the case. But they don't receive treatment or care for anything they suffer from. They are plenty of ticks and fleas usually. And internal worms. So we have to start all the process, bathing and antiparasitic treatment.
How do we make the decision to take ones instead of the other ones? According to what we can take care of at that time and looking for the survival of the association. If we fail in this project, everyone who could be helped would lose. It's difficult and hard and a task no one wants to do. But some of us must go in there and make these terrible decisions.

The people who work there don't know much about dogs, nor do they have time to relate to the dogs. Sometimes what the staff tells you about the dogs is not true and when you get them out of the perrera the real work of getting to know them begins. Then we have to find out how they behave and how they relate to others.
In spite of this we always try to gain the trust of some workers who do like the dogs and we contact him/her so that he/she informs us about the dogs that are there, how they are and to give us some more information. As it is so hard to go inside the perrera over time we have managed to get this "trusted" person to send us photos or videos of some dogs and we choose from all of them only with that information and pics without entering the perrera. It’s always a risk because when we pick them up we don’t really know which kind of dog we are taking.

But it is very difficult, there are so many … you always keep in your heart the one dog you didn't choose and maybe it won't be there anymore next time you can take out some more.

(Bericht von einer Freundin aus einer spanischen Organisation)

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Pirata – aus der Perrera gerettet – betritt das erste Mal sein neues vorübergehendes zu Hause

Bilder: Alle Hunde, die ihr auf den Fotos seht, wurden aus einem städtischen Tierheim in Spanien oder Rumänien gerrettet. Nicht in allen wird getötet, aber alle sind reine "Aufbewahrungen" für die Hunde und die Situation ist überall ähnlich, wie in unserem Bericht. Ohne unsere Kooperationspartner vor Ort hat dort kaum ein Hund die Chance auf ein Leben in Würde. Die Perreras erlauben normalerweise keine Fotos, ihr seht die Hunde nach ihrer Rettung. Die Bilder von den Zwingern stammen aus der Perrera, die ADA Canals, einer unserer Kooperationspartner, übernehmen will. Wenn das große Vorhaben gelingt, werden die Hunde endlich gut versorgt und dürfen wieder in den Auslauf.




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